You can be one of those to be inducted for Honorary Doctorate Degree, from Prowess University, Delaware, USA.
Honorary Doctorate Degree is awarded to individuals with admirable character and impeccable trackable records. Such an individual must have Master’s degree or years of experience in his/her chosen field or career.
All rights are reserved for Honorary Doctorate Degree in the same vein as the Academic doctorate degree except for teaching/lecturing rights.
Honorary Doctorate Degree boosts the profile of any individual conferred with the award and changes the status and network circle of such persons.
Institute of Arts and Management Professionals headed by Prof Eze, who is the African Representative for Prowess University and the body has Executive Council members including Prof Kannike Amuda(SAN), FCIAP, Prof. Justice Esibe, FCIAP and Dr Kunle Awotiku, FCIAP just to mention a few.
We have inducted several reputable personalities including Academia, Politicians; Governors, Senators, House Reps, House of Assembly members, Aspirants, Some Business Moguls, Legal luminaries, Actors e.t.c
We have been doing the induction program for over Seven(7) years in Nigeria and its back to back in different states including honoring recipients with the award of FELLOW members of the institute.
Interested individuals are to reach out while others can also be nominated as the registration and nomination for the next induction (April/May) has commenced.
For more enquires; Whatsapp 08025529320.